Monday, 6 July 2009

"100% success by how YOU SPECIFY WHETHER YOU Attitude!"


How are you doing your best friend?
"Still With Pusing Affairs
There is no stopping the office?
With conditions still worry Marketing you? "

On the way to go to the office this morning, I listen to a CD recording of one of the training I mentor.

The mentor is a man the citizen Singapore, which is within 3 months successfully proved itself able to produce that income is approximately U.S. $ 40 thousand / month.

Now, after 6 years hard work in the business, he succeeded in collecting more revenue from U.S. $ 10 million!

Mathematically, can be calculated that the average monthly mentor I is U.S. $ 138 thousand! Means more or less, equal to U.S. $ 4600 per day, and every day its the result of U.S. $ 192!

The More Interesting, Income of
U.S. $ 192 Per Hour, will be Always He
Enjoy Throughout his life, With,
Or No Must Work!

"What Will You Do, If You Own Earnings
U.S. $ 192/jam, U.S. $ 4.600/Days, or U.S. $ 138 thousand / month,
More work should be without? "

Many, Friend ! Many of you can do!

One of the interesting things that he is training his statement that to be successful rich-success-happiness, only condition 1 only;


Yes, 100% Attitude! You thought patterns (positive or negative) and the behavior you (positive or negative).

Many people say that success is 99% attitude and 1% skill. But he is a person who believes that your attitude is 100% of your success!

And because he has proven himself as a rich-successful-happy, then I must also trust him.

100% Attitude! How good is the attitude?

An example of the attitude is not good, as is the following email I received from a Subscriber:

"I already know all about what the brothers try to submit through emails brother. Now, I want you to the point aja. "(
"Who The Hell Does He Think He Is?"
Boro-Boro to say thanks for all the information I provide, Subscriber is not even bothered to introduce himself to me.

What do you do, if you suddenly have to come to you and direct nyorocos like that?

What I have dipikiran, after reading this email?

1 - Who are felt all already know (one of the characteristics the "poor and proud"!)

2 - The concerned gampangnya just want (the characteristics of the poor!)

3 - The concerned forget that as the owner highervalues, I determine that the person is with whom I want to share knowledge (I had the control over what you read). highervalues not a mailing list (which is every member can post any posts!). highervalues is an "automatic machine business education", which is in the control fully I have.

4 - The concerned forget that he himself decided to receive the newsletter of the I. So, it is a reasonable, if they follow the rules of play.

5 - Who are sure, that I always provide a link to unsubscribe in every newsletter that I send.

Not hard to assess the quality of the people who write the email like that.
Do you want to collaborate with people such low quality?
Yes, if you also have the same low quality!
Best friend, your attitude shows how the quality of how you and your opportunity to become rich, successful, happy!
Since highervalues operate, I have to unsubscribe to the 4 people that I see the Subscriber does not have a good attitude. Of course didahului with a warning email to the concerned.

I do not shrink from doing that, because of the following things;

1 - I'm not interested to help and work with people who have a bad attitude, because it can affect me in the effort to achieve the level of success I want.

2 - I have a lot of the pro-Subscriber better attitude, so it was not difficult for me to freeze the Subscriber pro-poor attitude. I have lots of subscribers, so losing some will not bother me at all!

3 - I was the only party that has rights to decide who I want to share.

Subscriber of 4 people that I "delete", 3 of which is the Subscriber does not provide its name with the correct / fair.

Have you ever acquainted with orang2 have a name such as "mu11z90", "kayaraya", "bisnisku"?

Of course not!

I did not know there are people who have nama2 like that! (they should be smarter in choosing "false name"!)

There are several possibilities, why give them the name "weird" at the time of the process in highervalues subscribe;

1 - They do not believe the highervalues. They were skeptical (lagi2, real characteristics of the poor!). If they are smart, they can always edit the name on the link provided in every newsletter that I send.

2 - They do not appreciate the name of her parents own. If they do not respect themselves and their parents, how they can respect other people?

3 - They are fraudulent. Sorry, we do not place people highervalues fraudulent!

In addition, RULY, I know and believe that the people who have a bad attitude, will never be rich, successful, happy. So, to what I dawdle with orang2 such?

"So, Start Now, If you
Feeling No Own Attitude
The Good, Head Repair,
Both have the Attitude.
Because a 100% Attitude
To your success! "

Scrub yourself first, and latih form of mind / thought pattern / your attitude, and the provision / opportunities to be successful, it will automatically kehadapan you came!


And if you feel that the information I received from you during this, it is not useful to you, please you click "unsubscribe" is available on each newsletter that I send.

There is no compulsion for you to receive newsletters from me.

I promise;

"I'm ready to help and ensure your
a rich-successful-happy, if only
You have a good attitude, and
have the basic requirements that I set! "

Sincerely for you and your family at home,

Yoki P. Soufyan
0811 84 6189

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